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3 Jaar Inuit


  • > GRATIS
  • concerten in de donkere muziekzaal
  • • Muziek

3 Jaar Inuit met 3 Bel­gi­sche belof­te­vol­le gra­tis acts van 19:30 tot 23:00 in Stelplaats.


19:30 Deu­ren
20:00 Por­ce­lain id
21:00 Anna­bel Lee
22:00 Osa­ka Riot


Por­ce­lain id is embed­ded but not fixed in a remar­ka­ble his­to­ry of both clas­sic pop and a lofi-sen­si­bi­li­ty that always stuck in their works. As of the sum­mer of 2020, they deci­ded to ven­tu­re into a solo career. Relea­sing their debut EP MAN­GO” in 2021.”


Joy­ful­ly mes­sy and nai­ve, Anna­bel Lee has, sin­ce its debut in Janu­a­ry 2017, taken the side of rus­hing around with non­cha­lan­ce. The first sin­gle Best Good Friend” surfs with suc­cess on the radio and beco­mes the standard-bea­rer of a first dazz­ling EP named Wal­l­flo­wers”, a real digest of rock melo­dies as pop as gara­ge. A few explo­si­ve live per­for­man­ces (Bota­ni­que, Euro­so­nic OFF, ope­ning for Par­quet Courts) put them on the radar of the Bel­gi­an gara­ge rock scene.


Fan van loud kicks én dir­ty bass? Wat muzi­ka­le dui­zend­poot Ewout Decrae­ne – ali­as Osa­ka Riot – vol­ko­men live uit zijn bak­skes’ peu­tert, doet zelfs hard­nek­ki­ge elek­tro­ni­ca-haters smel­ten. Modu­lai­re lek­ker­nij­en om ver­liefd naar te luis­te­ren én te kij­ken! — AFF

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