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Affair Family Dinner


  • > €30
  • Diner & fundraiser tvv Leuvens collectief Affair
  • Hal • Eten

As you may know we suf­fe­red some hef­ty finan­ci­al set­backs during our last event due to some thefts. The­se thefts are pus­hing us to the edge of bankrupt­cy, making us una­ble to orga­ni­se any events or even pay off our debts. We still have so much ambi­ti­on, ide­as and dreams we would love to see beco­me rea­li­ty. But sad­ly we need money for that.

Just asking for money didn’t sit right with us. We wan­ted to come up with a way of rai­sing money whi­le still staying true to our­sel­ves and giving back to our com­mu­ni­ty. We still have so much ide­as and dreams we would love to see beco­me rea­li­ty. That’s why we would hap­pi­ly like to invi­te you to join us during a cosy fami­ly dinner.

Over two con­se­cu­ti­ve days, 15 and 16 Novem­ber, we’ll be coo­king up a three cour­se meal in the Stel­plaats kit­chen. Whi­le you enjoy some tunes and a deli­cious glass of wine at a very Affair-like table, we’ll be ser­ving you sea­so­nal, vege­ta­ri­an dis­hes pre­pa­red with infi­ni­te amounts of love.For tho­se who can­not make it but would still like to sup­port us; we’ll be relea­sing some merch in a cou­ple of weeks. More on that later!


Stel­plaats, Diest­se­poort 15, Leu­ven
Wed­nes­day 15/11 & Thurs­day 16/11, 18:00 — 23:00


Wed­nes­day 15/11: Shab­bi & Simon Ray
Thurs­day 16/11: Emma Caers & Pastige


To keep this event as acces­si­ble as pos­si­ble, we’ve adop­ted a gui­ded pay what you can-sys­tem. Each tic­ket has the same value, but plea­se choo­se wha­te­ver cate­go­ry you feel most com­for­ta­ble paying. We are incre­di­bly gra­te­ful nonet­he­less.
Tic­kets avai­la­ble via https://​affair​-fami​ly​-din​ner​.tickoweb​.be/​s​e​l​e​ction

Design by Brecht Jongbloet

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