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Clubnacht met CHORA


Clubnacht met CHORA

Who’s rea­dy for CHO­RA meets Stel­plaats? Deze beweeg­lij­ke nacht barst van de high-inten­si­ty tracks, speel­se ele­men­ten en ruim­te­lij­ke con­tras­ten, waar­door ont­snap­pen aan de dans­vloer geen optie is. Deze avond staat garant voor onver­wach­te sen­sa­ties, dus houd de vibe vast en tot gauw!

Get rea­dy for the exci­ting fusi­on of CHO­RA meets Stel­plaats! This dyna­mic night is fil­led with high-inten­si­ty tracks, play­ful ele­ments and spa­ti­al dif­fe­ren­ces, ensu­ring that the­re’s no esca­pe from the dan­ce floor. This eve­ning pro­mi­ses to be a night full of sur­pri­ses, so stay groovy and see you soon!

Running Order

DJ Gar­ba­ge


8.99 EUR via Tib­baa.


Zero-tole­ran­ce for (psy­cho­lo­gi­cal) vio­len­ce, racism, sexism, homop­ho­bia, and all other forms of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on.
Only yes” means yes. Always ask some­o­ne for per­mis­si­on.
Exer­ci­se cau­ti­on when consuming/​using legal sub­stan­ce and alco­hol, and stay hydra­ted.
Ensu­re per­mis­si­on befo­re pho­to­grap­hing or recor­ding any­o­ne.
Gol­den rule: be kind and look out for each other, even though you may not know each other (yet).


Doors: 23h-05h
In = in, out = out (out­doors smo­king zone avai­la­ble)
Only 18+
Limi­ted amount of loc­kers available

Elke maand stelt Stel­plaats haar deu­ren open voor jon­ge col­lec­tie­ven. // Eve­ry month, Stel­plaats opens its doors to young collectives.Graphic design by Mar­te Forier
Visu­als artists by Rob­be Bruers

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