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Clubnacht met Inconnu


Incon­nu, now resi­ding under vzw Grond­slag, is back at Stel­plaats to once again pro­vi­de Leu­ven with a night of grit­ty, groovy, tasty techno. 

This will defi­ni­te­ly be our big­gest one yet!Not only do we have four excep­ti­o­nal­ly good acts lined up. Your eyes can feast on live visu­als in the Dark Room all night. 

The big hall will also light up more than it usu­al­ly does​.It is with gre­at enthu­si­asm that we pre­sent you our selec­ti­on for this eve­ning of delightful repetitiveness


  • Under Black Helmet
  • Cla­ra D
  • Wan­nes Lenaers
  • Out­si­der Per­cep­ti­on Syn­dro­me (Live)


First Wave: €11
Second Wave: €13
Tic­kets at the door will be €13

Limi­ted capacity!


Stel­plaats and Incon­nu are com­mit­ted to the prac­ti­ce of Safe® Spa­ce
Acts of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on, racism, sexism, homop­ho­bia or transp­ho­bia will not be tole­ra­ted
If you don’t feel well, have expe­rien­ced or seen any beha­vi­our that goes against the hou­se rules, plea­se noti­fy a mem­ber of our staff
We are the­re to help and assist in any way­En­joy the night with res­pect for the peo­p­le around you


Satur­day April 29th
11PM — 5AM
In = In — Out = Out
Limi­ted amount of loc­kers avai­la­ble
This is an 18+ event
Entran­ce via Diest­se­poort 15
Tic­kets at the door can be paid with cash, drinks can ONLY be paid with CARD

- Elke maand stelt Stel­plaats haar deu­ren open door jon­ge collectieven -

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