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Clubnacht met SHELTR


  • > €11
  • Nieuw Leuvens collectief SHELTR debuteert in Leuven met oa Rrita Jashari, O'SIMMIE, Mankiyan en twee kunstenexpo's!
  • • Clubbing

Clubnacht met SHELTR

SHELTR’s first event

A pla­ce to sti­mu­la­te peo­p­le to con­nect over art and music. We are trying to cre­a­te a new per­spec­ti­ve on what a dan­cing event could be. The event will con­sist of 2 dif­fe­rent exhi­bi­ti­ons and a par­ty, or as we call it: SHELTR

Our first exhi­bi­ti­on will go hand in hand with the his­to­ri­cal and con­tem­po­ra­ry con­text of the loca­ti­on, Stel­plaats. An indu­stri­al buil­ding used for soci­al enga­ge­ment in music and art. Artists ran­ge bet­ween soci­al / inter­ac­ti­ve art, indu­stri­al art and natu­ral ele­ments manu­fac­tu­red in an indu­stri­al way.

The inter­ac­ti­ve exhi­bi­ti­on will be a pla­ce whe­re we want to enga­ge peo­p­le in soci­al inter­ac­ti­on through art, with the spa­ce func­ti­o­ning as some­thing playground-like during the party.The nightti­me is also the moment when we throw the par­ty. Our 5 DJs will make sure you spend the who­le night dan­cing sheltered.

Shel­tr is hos­ting a safer pla­ce for everyone.

We do not allow any form of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on, phy­si­cal or ver­bal aggres­si­on, sexu­al­ly trans­gres­si­ve beha­vi­our, bul­ly­ing, spi­king and other forms of anti-soci­al beha­vi­or.
We are awa­re of the fact that we can not cre­a­te a 100% safe place.

The Shel­tr orga­ni­sa­ti­on is doing its best to make the envi­ron­ment as safe as pos­si­ble but your con­tri­bu­ti­on is also important.

Visuals Artists

  • Simon Brey­naert
  • Flor De Meulenaere
  • Wout De Jonghe
  • Juliet­te Willems
  • Sabi­na Dautova
  • Flo­ris Rossaert
  • Boris Deben


  • Veingeing6
  • Bou­cle d’Oreille
  • Rri­ta Jashari
  • Man­kiy­an
  • SHEL­TR djs
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