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Inconnu - Vitesse Edition w/ Franky-B, Droomwolkje, Johaze & Urusai


  • > €14
  • Snelle BPM's op de clubnacht van Inconnu
  • • Clubbing

Inconnu - Vitesse Edition w/ Franky-B, Droomwolkje, Johaze & Urusai

Autumn is cree­ping its way into our lives, the abun­dan­ce of light and warmth the sum­mer pro­vi­des dwind­les. Ine­vi­ta­bly, life slows down. To coun­ter this effect, Incon­nu is coo­king up a new night in Stelplaats.

The bpm will rise to con­si­de­ra­ble heights, fric­ti­on from dan­cing bodies will heat up the dark room to its boi­ling point. The the­me is sim­ple but powerful, we wel­co­me you to our next edi­ti­on of Incon­nu — Vitesse

A Dut­ch living ener­gy sour­ce and a Bel­gi­an celes­ti­al being will bring an atmos­p­he­re to Stel­plaats it has rare­ly seen. Our two resi­dents will take care of a fit­ting wel­co­me and an even more fit­ting farewell.



First Wave: €11
Second Wave: €13
Tic­kets at the door will be €15
Limi­ted capa­ci­ty!
Tic­ket link: https://​tib​baa​.com/​o​r​d​e​r​/​m​w​b​p​l​a​b​h​5​v​?​l​a​ng=en


Stel­plaats and Incon­nu are com­mit­ted to the prac­ti­ce of Safe® Spa­ce.
Acts of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on, racism, sexism, homop­ho­bia or transp­ho­bia will not be tole­ra­ted.
If you don’t feel well, have expe­rien­ced or seen any beha­vi­or that goes against the hou­se rules, plea­se noti­fy a mem­ber of our staff.
We are the­re to help and assist in any way.
Enjoy the night with res­pect for the peo­p­le around you.


Fri­day Octo­ber 27th
11PM — 6AM
In = In — Out = Out
Limi­ted amount of loc­kers avai­la­ble
This is an 18+ event
Entran­ce via Diest­se­poort 15
Tic­kets at the door can be paid with cash, drinks can ONLY be paid with CARD
Pro­vi­ded to you by Vzw Grondslag

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