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Clubnacht (+ expo) met Nebula


  • > €10
  • Brussels collectief Nebula organiseert hun eerste clubnacht en expo in Stelplaats.
  • Stelplaats • Clubbing

Brus­sels’ col­lec­ti­ve Nebu­la comes to Stel­plaats for their second event to show­ca­se a blend of visu­al and musi­cal arts. You can expect a com­ple­te take­over with an eve­ning exhi­bi­ti­on with live per­for­man­ces and a club night led by our head­liner Nala Brown (NL).


Nala Brown will be joi­ning us from Rot­ter­dam to pro­vi­de an inten­se 2h set fil­led with swea­ty club sounds.

We invi­ted Leu­ven locals Llemm­n­ns and Sai­la for a b2b, it will be the first time the­se two clash behind the decks so we’ll be loo­king forward.

Sup­port comes from Miles, having recent­ly won the Full Cir­cle con­test he has soli­di­fied his posi­ti­on as the next rising star, brin­ging the funk to the table.

Nebu­la Resi­dents Endor & JVDA join the lineup with their bass loa­ded latin- & afro­fu­si­on sounds.


The indoor cour­ty­ard of Stel­plaats will be trans­for­med into a sculp­tu­re gar­den with artists from and around Brus­sels.

Alexan­dra De Schep­per
Dere­ge Was­sen­berg
Luka Ver­bist
Jerô­me Roo­baert
Judith peper­mans
Mat­ti­ce Deves­leer
Niel Schu­er­man

Live per­for­man­ce by Karmaten

Tat­toos by and mikomikotat

Cam­bo­di­an food stand


We invi­te eve­ry­o­ne regard­less of their eth­ni­ci­ty, gen­der, sexu­al orien­ta­ti­on or reli­gi­on. An open mind as to how peo­p­le want to express them­sel­ves is key, we expect our visi­tors to do the same.Any acts of vio­len­ce, dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on, racism, sexism, homop­ho­bia, transp­ho­bia will result in a one way tic­ket home. If at some point during your visit, some­thing feels off, don’t hesi­ta­te to speak to the staff or secu­ri­ty. We are here for you and your loved ones.

Try to live in the moment and keep your pho­nes in your pocket.We have a strict no drugs poli­cy and plea­se don’t abu­se your alco­hol use. We stri­ve to be a wel­co­ming com­mu­ni­ty, keep an eye out and take care of eachother.
