De garagepoorten van Stelplaats worden een blanco canvas voor kleine en grote kunstenaars. Hiermee blikken we nostalgisch terug naar de beleving die er voor de pandemie raasde doorheen Stelplaats. De garagepoorten zijn op die manier een reflectie van de jongeren hun leefwereld vandaag.
Aurelie Bayad
I am a visual artist, focussing on video, video performance, photography and installation. In my art practice I question the self, the self in relationship to others and the relationship toward the computer and social media. I am very interested in the dependency that internet creates and how people are dealing with it. But also how one can create a complete different self online , reinvent one’s life and how to model it. I am also fascinated by the notion of voyeurism and exhibitionism, how both cohabit together, especially when talking about the online space.
In my practice I aim to reveal the un revealable. The dirty and raw, the things that one does not want to show. I go against the tendency of having everything beautiful and neat and glossy, because i find that there is way much more beauty in authenticity and dirtiness. My goal is to shed a light and make those dirty things beautiful, to highlight them. I am fascinated by textures and objects that are not usually considered beautiful (such as slime) and i make them beautiful.
zomerresident broeiplaats
I am now fascinated by the different systems of beliefs but especially the ones related to cult and followings. I also am very fascinated by the notion of giving and receiving and what it entails. Reading the essay of Marcel Mauss on the gift I got very fascinated by the idea that actually all actions that have the aim to give is in fact motivated by the fact that they will receive back at some point of life. And receiving something obliges you in a way to give back, not forcefully to that same person but to someone. It puts you in a circle of give and take.
In relationship to cult, i found it extremely interesting how people create online cult and are able to devote themselves to a belief in hope that they will receive something back in the end. Nowadays I have the feeling people are immersing themselves more and more into social media, following people and sending messages in hope of feeling validated by the community or by other people. I want to study this. This feeling of loneliness but also of emotional surrender to a complete stranger which is the internet.
After talking with several people I started to relate this notion to black holes, so now I am researching emotional black holes in relationship to social media and cults. I want to be able to develop this idea and create a video and installation about this theme.
»> Gelieve de corona maatregelen en richtlijnen ter plaatse te volgen en te respecteren. Het dragen van een mondmasker is verplicht.
Nog op het programma:
19/03 — 28/03/2021
Elise Den Hond & Elfride Heylen
> Residenten Stadhuis Mijnleuven
02/04 — 11/04/2021
Matthijs van der Burgt
> Resident Cas-co
16/04 — 25/04/2021
Club Efemeer
> Resident Cas-co